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Nils Ramhøj

På svenska

Arbetar med teckning, måleri, fotografi, objekt, installation, performance … Han har utfört ett flertal samarbeten inom teater, dans, musik, litteratur, film, och arkitektur.

Tematiskt berör hans konst frågor kring religion, politik och inte minst problematiken inom nära relationer, såsom far- och sonrelationen. Sammanlagt har detta resulterat i serier såsom Bilder av en far, Avkomma, Käril, Reflexioner, Mexikanska bilder, ¡Viva!

Förutom Sverige har han också periodvis varit verksam i bland annat England, Latinamerika, Mexiko och Spanien. Hans konst har visats både nationellt och internationellt.

Nils Ramhøj articulates multiple combinations of painting, drawing, photography, objects, as well as installation and performance. His art often includes cooperation with other artists within theater, dance, music, literature and film. In his artwork Ramhøj shows his interest in human conditions, both individual and collective, including religion and politics, mind and body, ageing and death, relationships and sexuality. This has resulted in series such as Pictures of a Father, Offspring, Vessels, Mexican Images and ¡Viva!

Apart from Sweden he has also been active as an artist in England, Latin America, Mexico and Spain. His work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally.