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Darija Radakovic

Darija Radakovic work is never the same in technique, style, or theme, but it’s always about the honest confrontation with the issue that triggers her attention, and exposing that confrontation to the audience.
Darija Radakovic have always had a critical attitude toward her surroundings, and when it comes to making art she tend to think that some satire is inevitable, maybe even remedial.

Short bio
Darija Radakovic was born and raised in Bosnia, former Yugoslavia. She moved to Belgrade in the
middle of the war where she got my BFA from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University in Belgrade.
That gave her the opportunity to express her disgust with authorities, she wanted to criticize society through her work and to try to set the focus on some of the consequences of our misdoings.
In 2010 she left for Canada with my family to restart their lives.

My latest exhibitions include Kunsthaus Dresden (2022), Contemporary Calgary (2022), Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina (2022), Confederation Centre of the Arts, Charlottetown (2023), etc.

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With support from/In collaboration with

Göteborgs Stad