Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
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Julia Beliaeva

Using the latest technologies (3D scanning, 3D modeling, 3D printing and virtual reality), in her work she turns to a rethinking of tradition and traditional media in an ever-changing virtualized world. She is interested in how technology affects us and our consciousness, as well as how the latest technology can make sense and update traditional media. In particular, Julia works a lot with porcelain, which gives her the opportunity to reflect on the heritage and lost traditions through a combination of new technologies and the popular in Ukraine ceramic industry, which is now lost.

Short bio

Julia Beliaeva was born in 1988 in Haisyn Vinnytsia region, Ukraine.
2005-2011 Graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Decorative and Applied Art and Design named after Mykhailo Boychuk

Solo Show
2023. Fragile City. OK Linz. Linz. Austria
2022. First We Take Manhattan Then We Take Berlin. KWADRAT. Germany
2021. Last childhood in this city. Virtual exhibition. V-art
2018. Nature vs Architecture. American House. Kyiv. Ukraine
2018. New Old. Institut français d’Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine
2017. Save us. Invogue gallery. Odessa. Ukraine
2015. The Last. Bereznitsky Aesthetics

Selected Group Show
2023. Nothing New in the East. Akate. Pforzheim. Germany
2023. Spaces. Limits. Borders. Ukrainian House. Kyiv. Ukraine
2023. Motherland. Museum Ephraim-Palais. Berlin.Germany
2022. Academy of Ceramics Gmunden. Austria
2022. Nezrydani sl’ozy. Galerie Judith Andreae. Bonn. Germany
2022. State of Emergency. State Art Gallery. Sopot. Poland
2022. Gmunden. Photo. Austria
2021. Remember Yesterday. PinchukArtCentre. Kyiv. Ukraine
2020. Is the ritual equal to routine? ArtSvit. Dnepr. Ukraine
2019. Exodus. Biruchiy Art Residence. Kyiv History Museum
2019. Museum of dematerialized porceline. OFAM. Odessa
2018. Summer Show. Voloshyn Gallery. Kyiv. Ukraine
2017. Off the marble cliffs! KWADRAT. Berlin . Germany
2017. Code Art Fair. Copenhagen. Denmark
2017. Art/Work. Mystetskyi Arsenal. Kyiv. Ukraine

With support from/In collaboration with

Västra Götalandsregionen
SWAN Residency Network – Emergency Residency