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Visual Artist

Logan Acton

Logan Hamilton Acton (US) is a visual artist and Artist in Residence at Konstepidemin

“I am currently developing a body of work that explores place and narrative. Structured on the idea of transformation the project proposes different mythological figures as embodied representations of different principles: Orpheus as the energy of creation, Baldr as compassion. Elements of the stories surrounding these characters are re-contextualized in contemporary language, but presented in a filmic world altered by psychedelic signifiers and visual excess. The project impossibly attempts to contain the idea of pure energy ­– the energy of transformation – to arrest its movement momentarily and temporarily disrupt our normal experience of time. The strategy for exploring these ideas moves through dense layers of extreme music, poetry, history and story, but ultimately the ambition is simply to better understand the basic and ongoing inner struggle to make sense of a deeply complicated and confusing world.”

Logan Hamilton Acton (b. 1987) lives and works in Kansas City, Missouri. Acton earned an MA in Aesthetic Studies at the University of Texas at Dallas and an MFA in Sculpture at Cranbrook Academy of Art. His past immersion in extreme music fostered an interest in its theatricality and the aesthetics of unrest. Acton’s current body of work explores the idea of transformation. Connecting myth and contemporary music this takes the form of video, performance, drawing, and installation. His work employs the language of archetype to explore identity and place through allegories that layer the world as it is with visions of a world that could be. Acton is a Co-Director/Curator with PLUG Projects and a 2017-18 Charlotte Street Foundation Studio Resident with his two-person collective the ARGOT/NOTS.