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Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
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Uwe Bressnik

I was born in the south of Austria on the border with Italy and Slovenia and have been living and working mainly in Vienna since my studies there at the University of Applied Arts. I follow a transmedia approach and work on constantly updating the conventional artistic genres of graphics, painting and objects by reinterpreting them by means of the visual achievements of adjacent cultural fields, such as music, media, youth culture, sport or literature.

The spectrum of my artistic activities is correspondingly diverse: it ranges from drawing, (print)graphics, photography, video, painting, (sound)object and installation to expansive spatial design and performance.

In 2000, my focus on combining visual art and music also led me to perform as an improviser in several band-like and live music formats.



Uwe Bressnik received his diploma with distinction from the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Recent exhibitions: URBAN SILENCE As part of the 48 Stunden Neukölln art festival Berlin (2024); OÖ AIR – THE EXHIBITION (2024), OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz; CAGE RECORDS Special exhibition (Personal Show) as part of the 16th Klangwechsel at the John Cage Project Halberstadt and the permanent exhibition ROOM FOR CAGE, Cage Haus Halberstadt (D) 2024; EXTENDED VERSION -The Music Before And Behind The Objects, KGLU/Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška, Slovenj Gradec/SLOV (2023); RÄSONANZ (personal show), Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest (HU) 2023; bsRGB / bressniksRedYellowBlue Color Space (spacial installation/personal Show) Schauraum Angewandte – Museumsquartier Vienna (2022); “THE SOUND OF SILENCE – Soul Source Records, Arrangements, Waves & Vibes” Catalog-Album-Presentation of the updated and expanded SPECIAL ENGLISH EDITION and ÉDITION SPÉCIALE EN FRANÇAIS at the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (2022).

With support from/In collaboration with

Göteborgs Stad