Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
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Apply for a studio

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Konstepidemin consists of 4.500 m² of studio space divided into 108 artist studios. More than 130 artists from diverse artistic fields have their studios here, for example visual artists, musicians, writers, actors, filmmakers and dancers.

A high artistic quality along with a documented professional practice is the primary criteria for the selection of artists for studio spaces at Konstepidemin. When a studio space is vacant, a group of Konstepidemin’s artist selects a qualified applicant with an artistic practice that is suitable for the available space.

Konstepidemin strive for diversity in artistic expressions, ethnicity, age and gender. Applicants must be registered residents in Gothenburg or in the bordering geographical areas to Gothenburg. The artist is required to actively use the studio as their primary workplace. The selected artist becomes a member of Konstepidemin and is required to take an active take part in the organization and its duties.

The application is valid for 12 months

Notice that your application is only valid for 12 moths. If you are still interested in a studio after 12 moths you need to renew your application by filling out this form again.

► Application form – Studio at Konstepidemin