Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
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Apply for artist-in-residence

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Konstepidemin’s five guest studios can be rented for periods of one to six months, and a minimum of one month is required. Applications are accepted throughout the year. The application can be made as a group or as an individual.

We are currently accepting applications for 2025 and 2026 Please plan ahead and make sure to apply with some flexibility regarding your desired dates for residency.


  • Fill in the form on the bottom of the page
  • Upload a portfolio-PDF with 4-8 samples of your artistic work
  • Upload your CV


As a guest artist at Konstepidemin, you live and work in the studio, where you have a studio space, bedroom, kitchen and a bathroom. During 2024 the rent is 8000 SEK / month (Studio Robert is 7500 SEK / month), electricity, water and WIFI included. You may bring a friend, partner or family at no extra cost. The studios host a maximum of three persons. All guest studios are equipped with basic kitchen utilities as well as towels, beddings and linen. There is a shared laundry room on the premises. Smoking is not allowed in any of our studios. Contact us if you need to bring your animal companion.
As a guest artist you have access to a printer/scanner/copy machine and to a graphics workshop.

We have a collaboration with Göteborgs bildverkstad where our guest artists have the opportunity to print in larger formats, use photo- and video editing stations and borrow equipment.


All guest artists must pay a 1500 SEK deposit for the residency, added to your first studio rent. When your residency is over the deposit is returned to you after an approved studio inspection.


To be able to make your arrival to Konstepidemin as pleasant as possible, our general arriving times are during Reception opening hours (09.00 – 13.00 on weekdays) but they can differ should we need to clean the studio prior to arrival. More information about your arrival will come the week prior to your stay at Konstepidemin.

The guest studios are supported by Göteborg Stad.



  • What are you planning to do during a residency period?
  • Konstepidemin guest studios can be rented for one to six months. Longer periods are prioritized. Please state the months you would prefer to stay and if this period is flexible.

  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Max 5MB. / Upload a pdf with relevant images and descriptions of your artistic practice. Name your file: name-surname.pdf

  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 2 MB.
    Max 2MB. / Name your file: name-surname.CV.pdf

  • Other relevant websites