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Jelizaveta Suska

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Liza (short for Jelizaveta Suska) was born in Latvia (1989). She received her BA from the Art Academy of Latvia in metal design. At the age of 24 she moved to Gothenburg in Sweden to study. In 2015 she graduated from the Academy of Design and Crafts (HDK) at the University of Gothenburg. She was also educated in Germany and Japan. In 2016 she received the Amberif Design Award and the Dr. Herbert Hofmann Prize at Schmuck. Liza has exhibited her works in Sweden and internationally. Her works represented in the Stockholm National Museum of Art and Design, RIAN Design Museum, gallery Platina, Four, Beyond (Belgium) and Alice Floriano (Brazil) and in several private collections.

At first sight, her latest works appears to be frozen, as if made of ice, but that is just an illusion. She says that the pieces she makes are about feelings of nostalgia, a moment in time. She was looking for a way of materializing these abstract matters and associations. After a period of research she came up with her own material, comprising two main compounds: polymer, which is light and transparent, just like “a moment”, and crushed marble, which creates an illusion of solid stone. In the beginning of crafting each piece, the material is hot and dynamic and after a while it becomes still. Like a metaphor of a moment becoming a memory.