Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
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Trinity Morris

Trinity’s artistic practice stems from a lifelong passion for art and an overwhelming desire to understand the human condition. Her vivid palettes, bold lines, and shapes create strong graphic compositions, hinting at her background in graphic design. Centered mostly around human forms, their emotions, and their connection with the natural world, her work exudes playfulness but is layered with emotion and meaning, conveying messages of hope, love, grief, longing, and sentiments of nostalgia.

Short bio

Trinity Morris is a Sydney-based artist and designer who has had careers in both interior and graphic design before pursuing her art practice in 2019 professionally. Her first solo exhibition, ‘Stories of Strangers,’ in 2020, invited the viewer to tell the story they see in her art and share it (via QR codes) with the public on her website. Over ninety stories were shared, offering viewers the opportunity to see the art through another’s eyes. Later that year, her artwork ‘Join the Jesus Army,’ which explored the desire to be de-baptized from the Catholic Church, was a finalist in the prestigious Blake Prize. The following year, she was commissioned by local government to create three augmented reality artworks for ‘Human on The Wire,’ an exhibition which explored the technologization of humanity.
Her second solo exhibition, ‘Beautiful Tomorrow,’ matched each of her artworks with a piece of music. Audiences were encouraged to sit with the art while listening to the music through headphones and explore where it took them. For the past few years, Trinity has been learning and experimenting with ceramics and is now a member of Outfall Art Collective in her hometown of Sydney. During her two month AIR at Konstepidemin, she will be working with wax pastel on paper.
Trinity spent a year living in Stockholm as an exchange student when she was 16 and is looking forward to being immersed in Swedish culture and seeing where this might take her art… and of course, taking Fika.

With support from/In collaboration with

Göteborgs Stad