Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
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Guided tours & workshops

På svenska

Konstepidemin offers studio visits, workshops and guided tours of current exhibitions.


We offer guided tours of Galleri Konstepidemin’s ongoing exhibitions.

  • On appointment: 3000 SEK, VAT included / hour.

Please contact the gallery to book a guided tour: galleri@konstepidemin.se


More than 120 artists from a variety of artistic fields have their studios at Konstepidemin. We can help you find the perfect match for your group. For studio visits the maximum number of participants is 10-15 people / visit. If you travel as a larger group, we recommend that the group is divided and take turns visiting the artist.

  • Studio visit to 1 artist: 6000 SEK + VAT / hour.
  • Combined studio visits to 2 artists: 12 000 SEK + VAT (45 min x 2).


You are welcome to contact Konstepidemin’s artists directly with an inquiry, see contact information here.

Questions? Please contact info@konstepidemin.se



We offer workshops held by Konstepidemin’s artists.
We recommend groups of maximum 25-30 participants.

  • Workshop 3-4 hours: from 2450 SEK + VAT/person.
  • Workshop 6 hours: from 3650 SEK + VAT/person.
    10 % discount for groups of more than 25 participants.
    (Konstepidemin decides on the minimum number of participants for each workshop)


You are welcome to contact Konstepidemin’s artists directly with an inquiry, see contact information here.

Questions? Please contact info@konstepidemin.se


More information