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Nordic Match F.I.L

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Photo: Goda Palekaitė “Liminal Minds: Michel Leiris” (2019)

Konstepidemin is happy to introduce Nordic Match F.I.L (Finland, Iceland, Lithuania), our new Artist-in-Residence programme which includes a duo exhibition at Galleri Konstepidemin.

Konstepidemin’s Artist-in-Residence program started in 1990, and over the years artists from all over the world have travelled to Gothenburg to live and work in one of our five guest studios. Through the years we noticed very few applications from the Nordic countries. For this reason, we created a new residency program named Nordic Match F.I.L focused on artist from Finland, Iceland and Lithuania. Thanks to a three-year financial support from the Nordic Culture Foundation (Nordisk Kulturfond), we are able to focus and create a residency program mainly for artists from these countries.

It is with a great pleasure we welcome Anssi Pulkkinen to Konstepidemin in the fall of 2018 as the first Nordic Match F.I.L artist-in-residence. Nordic Match F.I.L is a collaboration project, where the selected Nordic Match F.I.L artist will be connected and collaborate with a professional artist living and working in Gothenburg or surrounding areas to create a joint exhibition at Galleri Konstepidemin. The artist who is selected to cooperate with Anssi Pulkkinen is Azadeh Esmaili Zaghi.

AIR Konstepidemin actively aims to establish a platform for artistic production based on international exchanges, which is connected to community, development and society. Our goal is to create the best conditions for foreign artists to interact with the locally based arts and cultural life.

The program will be running during 2018-2020, with one artist per year. Every residency covers a three months long stay for each resident artist. Next Nordic Match F.I.L open-call will be announced in the beginning of year 2019 (this time only for Icelandic and Lithuanian artist).

With support from/In collaboration with

Nordic Culture Point

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