Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin logo
Foto: Gustavo Perillo Nogueira
Foto: Gustavo Perillo Nogueira

About Konstepidemin Scen

På svenska

Konstepidemin Scen is a space for artist-driven performing arts and an independent voice in the democratic conversation. We present performing arts produced here on-site, guest performances, meetings, and conversations. Drawing from our artistic professions, we develop performing arts through cross-pollination, deepening, and collaborative work with our audience.

Here, important questions and themes for art and society today are explored. In the close encounter between performing artist and audience, and with care for everyone’s equal worth, we aim to raise issues and experiences of significance to us, our contemporaries, and our future.

In addition to all its workplaces – studios – Konstepidemin also houses several smaller stages and a large number of performing artists. Here, productions for both children and adults are created. All productions go on tour but are occasionally performed locally here at Konstepidemin. In this cozy and intimate area, guest performances also take place, and conversations and artistic meetings are arranged in various ways.
