Two workshops during 13Festivalen 5-6 january
”Dancing to the news” – workshop with performance artists Mary Coble / Ulla Hvejsel
and ”Performance som hemsökelse” – workshop with directory Cecilia Lagerström and writer Malin Lindroth.
participary fee 100 sek, limited number of participants.
Contact for more information.
Workshop with artists Mary Coble and Ulla Hvejsel
January 5th and 6th, 2016 from 10:00-12:00
As part of 13Festivalen 2016 / Festival of Performance Art
Galleri Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, Sweden
When I (Ulla) was a kid, we would jokingly say about someone who we considered to be less smart than us, that they were “so stupid that they could dance to the news”. In this workshop we will take on that stupidity, and try to dance our way through current events –and elaborate on the challenges or importance of dancing in a time like this.
During the 2 days of the workshop, we will discuss the claims that this joke makes about the news, stupidity, frivolity, seriousness and the potential undanceability of current events. How do we as art practioners respond to urgent times? Is there something decadent about making art now? Or do we need to both dance and make art as the most appropriate response to these desperate times?
To inspire and activate we will look at examples from the classical political or dadaist cabaret. Together we will make a series of short performances that will investigate the troubled relationship between activities like the arts, dancing and current events.
Please come dance with us!
Anyone can participate regardless of performance experience. The workshop is set up so new and experienced practitioners alike can benefit. Participants of all abilities and disabilities are welcomed.
Ulla Hvejsel was born in 1975, at the birthclinic ”fødselsanstalten” in Århus. That is now closed. In 2006 she graduated from the Academy of fine arts in Copenhagen. That is still there. Since then she has worked experimentally, and interdisciplinary with theatre, film, parenthood, journalism performance and self-deceit.
She has been a co-founder of the artist-run television station tv-tv, suggested new experimental ways of watching tv, given long and loud appraisal speeches for the silent majority, staged her collection of jokes from warfilms as theatre, and gotten a white bear, that had been stuck on minds since 1861, out of her head. At the moment she is mostly just talking out of her ass.
For more information on Ulla Hvejsel: and for more information on her ass:
Embracing unpredictability, messiness and failure Mary Coble has worked with performance art for over 15 years, through this time aiming to manifest problems of bodily, societal and symbolic navigation particularly focusing on issues of injustice and normative boundaries. Recurrent themes in Coble’s work revolve around queer politics and poetics often working site-specifically, research-based and – from time to time – collectively/participatory. Engagement in artistic practices and interventions within and outside of established institutions and the use of activist strategies are integral to Coble’s work. Coble is a Senior Lecturer in the Fri Konst and Photography Units of the MFA Programs at Valand Academy of Art, Gothenburg University.
For more information on Coble’s work please visit: and current obsession
workshop with directory Cecilia Lagerström and writer Malin Lindroth
January 5th and 6th, 2016 from 10:00-12:00
I denna workshop arbetar vi med plats, kropp och språk och undersöker gränslandet mellan verklighet och fiktion. Med inspiration från Konstepidemins historia som epidemisk plats för sjukdom och smitta leker vi med kartläggningar, diagnoser och smittspridning. Vi diagnosticerar oss själva med hjälp av kroppskartor, journalskrivningar och kroppsposer, och ser hur vi kan skapa förbindelser och glidningar mellan självbiografiskt vittnesmål och fiktiv berättelse. Vi utforskar också kopplingen mellan individuell historia och en större karta, mellan kropp och omgivning. Stimulerade av den engelska regissören Mike Pearsons sätt att tala om plats-specifik scenkonst som en relation mellan en plats (the host) och en föreställning (the ghost) ser vi här konsthändelsen som ett hemsökande av platser, men också platsen som något som hemsöker konstnären, där olika lager av historier, erfarenheter och sammanhang aktiveras.
Workshopen ges på svenska och är öppen för alla oavsett tidigare erfarenhet.
Cecilia Lagerström är regissör, konstnärlig forskare och professor i scenisk gestaltning vid Högskolan för scen och musik i Göteborg. Hon har regisserat föreställningar och performance akter på olika spelplatser sedan 1993 och drivit flera konstnärliga utvecklings- och forskningsprojekt. Cecilia har ateljé på Konstepidemin sedan 2011.
Malin Lindroth är författare, dramatiker och kulturskribent yrkesverksam sedan 1985.
13Festivalen erbjuder två workshops den 5 och 6 januari:
”Dancing to the news” – workshop med performancekonstnärerna Mary Coble och Ulla Hvejsel
samt ”Performance som hemsökelse” – workshop med regissören Cecilia Lagerström och författaren Malin Lindroth.
Deltagaravgift 100kr, begränsat antal platser.
Kontakta för mer information
Workshop with artists Mary Coble and Ulla Hvejsel
January 5th and 6th, 2016 from 10:00-12:00
As part of 13Festivalen 2016 / Festival of Performance Art
Galleri Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, Sweden
When I (Ulla) was a kid, we would jokingly say about someone who we considered to be less smart than us, that they were “so stupid that they could dance to the news”. In this workshop we will take on that stupidity, and try to dance our way through current events –and elaborate on the challenges or importance of dancing in a time like this.
During the 2 days of the workshop, we will discuss the claims that this joke makes about the news, stupidity, frivolity, seriousness and the potential undanceability of current events. How do we as art practioners respond to urgent times? Is there something decadent about making art now? Or do we need to both dance and make art as the most appropriate response to these desperate times?
To inspire and activate we will look at examples from the classical political or dadaist cabaret. Together we will make a series of short performances that will investigate the troubled relationship between activities like the arts, dancing and current events.
Please come dance with us!
Anyone can participate regardless of performance experience. The workshop is set up so new and experienced practitioners alike can benefit. Participants of all abilities and disabilities are welcomed.
Ulla Hvejsel was born in 1975, at the birthclinic ”fødselsanstalten” in Århus. That is now closed. In 2006 she graduated from the Academy of fine arts in Copenhagen. That is still there. Since then she has worked experimentally, and interdisciplinary with theatre, film, parenthood, journalism performance and self-deceit.
She has been a co-founder of the artist-run television station tv-tv, suggested new experimental ways of watching tv, given long and loud appraisal speeches for the silent majority, staged her collection of jokes from warfilms as theatre, and gotten a white bear, that had been stuck on minds since 1861, out of her head. At the moment she is mostly just talking out of her ass.
For more information on Ulla Hvejsel: and for more information on her ass:
Embracing unpredictability, messiness and failure Mary Coble has worked with performance art for over 15 years, through this time aiming to manifest problems of bodily, societal and symbolic navigation particularly focusing on issues of injustice and normative boundaries. Recurrent themes in Coble’s work revolve around queer politics and poetics often working site-specifically, research-based and – from time to time – collectively/participatory. Engagement in artistic practices and interventions within and outside of established institutions and the use of activist strategies are integral to Coble’s work. Coble is a Senior Lecturer in the Fri Konst and Photography Units of the MFA Programs at Valand Academy of Art, Gothenburg University.
For more information on Coble’s work please visit: and current obsession
– kartläggningar, diagnoser och utflykter i gränslandet mellan det reella och det fiktiva
workshop med regissören Cecilia Lagerström i samarbete med författaren Malin Lindroth
January 5th and 6th, 2016 from 10:00-12:00
I denna workshop arbetar vi med plats, kropp och språk och undersöker gränslandet mellan verklighet och fiktion. Med inspiration från Konstepidemins historia som epidemisk plats för sjukdom och smitta leker vi med kartläggningar, diagnoser och smittspridning. Vi diagnosticerar oss själva med hjälp av kroppskartor, journalskrivningar och kroppsposer, och ser hur vi kan skapa förbindelser och glidningar mellan självbiografiskt vittnesmål och fiktiv berättelse. Vi utforskar också kopplingen mellan individuell historia och en större karta, mellan kropp och omgivning. Stimulerade av den engelska regissören Mike Pearsons sätt att tala om plats-specifik scenkonst som en relation mellan en plats (the host) och en föreställning (the ghost) ser vi här konsthändelsen som ett hemsökande av platser, men också platsen som något som hemsöker konstnären, där olika lager av historier, erfarenheter och sammanhang aktiveras.
Workshopen ges på svenska och är öppen för alla oavsett tidigare erfarenhet.
Cecilia Lagerström är regissör, konstnärlig forskare och professor i scenisk gestaltning vid Högskolan för scen och musik i Göteborg. Hon har regisserat föreställningar och performance akter på olika spelplatser sedan 1993 och drivit flera konstnärliga utvecklings- och forskningsprojekt. Cecilia har ateljé på Konstepidemin sedan 2011.
Malin Lindroth är författare, dramatiker och kulturskribent yrkesverksam sedan 1985.