Digital Art talk

Keeping Distance – Keeping Presence: An online conversation, a digital meeting and performance works

Av Konstepidemin

Keeping Distance – Keeping Presence: An online conversation, a digital meeting and performance works!
Culture is running slow during pandemic times, but not everything shuts down, people find new ways. In this event, we meet artists who carry out projects despite the prevailing state of emergency. What are the means and forms to continue working? What do performance art practices in times of social distancing, isolations and lockdowns look like? Where do we go to meet? – online? – outdoors? – to nature?

Bianca Hisse – artist
Brian Patterson – artist, represents Bbeyond
Denis Romanovski – artist, represents PALS
Jill Lindström – artist, represents 13festivalen
John Huntington – artist, represents Konstepidemin
Lovisa Johansson – artist, represents PALS
Sandra Božić – artist, represents”onlineperformanceart”
Åsa Elzén and Malin Arnell – artists presenting the work Forest Calling – A Never-ending Contaminated Collaboration or Dancing is a Form of Forest Knowledge.
WOL – artists Wenche Tankred and Lovisa Johansson

• Presentation and introduction
• WOL in wood and water 1
• Conversation about art and life during the pandemic: strategies and tendencies, digital and analog, inside versus outside.
• WOL in wood and water 2
• Presentation of Forest calling, Malin Arnell and Åsa Elzén
• WOL in wood and water 3
• Online Performance with Sandra Božić
• Video with performance by Bianca Hisse
• Bbeyond | Open session
• WOL in wood and water 4

Keeping Distance – Keeping Presence is one in a series of digital seminars produced by the International group at Konstepidemin in Gothenburg that highlight how artist-driven initiatives address urgent societal issues today.