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Open call

13festivalen OPEN CALL 2020

Do you want to participate in 13festivalen 3-5 January 2020?

About the festival.

13festivalen is a platform for performance art where the live encounter between audience, artists and works are in focus. By interpreting the term ’performance’ in the widest sense and welcoming artists from all background and with a diverse range of practices, we want to challenge traditional ideas about “live art”. The festival combines artists working locally, regionally, nationally and internationally within the field. The festival takes an inclusive approach and allows professionals to interact with students as well as creating an opportunity for visual artists, musicians, dancers and actors to appear on the same stage. Gathering around a shared interest in the performative we hope to generate cross disciplinary experiences and discussions. Attaching a great importance to providing a meeting place for audiences and artists we will also be offering seminars and workshops. All works are documented and included in our expanding archive of current performance works.

To apply, briefly describe your idea, location preferences (if it´s important for you)  and approximate length of your performance. Applications should be no longer than 2000 characters.

The festival takes place both indoor and outdoor. We have a gallery space with 3 rooms, Pannrum and Bergrum ( See our exhibiton venues ) We also use ”The Green room” , ”Åttan”, ”Tian” and ”Bageriet”.

Sign up by mailing to trettonfestivalen@hotmail.com  

Since we currently haven’t secured the funding applied for we can only offer the following:
1. All participants get their work documented.

2 Free food and drinks will be provided for the duration of the festival.

3. Free access to the seminars and to one of the two workshops.

If we receive the funding we hope for we hope to be able to also offer:

1. A small fee to cover materials (the size of the fee will depend on pending funding).

2. A limited budget for travel and accommodation for artists who do not live in Gothenburg.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.

We are also looking for volunteers !!!

Anna Carlson and Jill Lindström