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Film & foto

Fika Fridays – sweet treats and movie screenings
— Lisa Marr & Paolo Davanzo

På svenska

The guest artist duo Lisa Marr and Paolo Davanzo invite you to a spread of collaborative activites and workshops during they’re residency at Konstepidemin and they’re exhibition A Little Something at the gallery. Enjoy a lovely array of little snacks and short Super 8 and 16mm films as we ease into the weekend with Fika Fridays.

  • March 17: The Sound We See: A Göteborg City Symphony
  • March 24: Passing Through Sweden: A Selection of Short Films from the NFB
  • March 31: Super 8 Is Great! Films from Lisa, Paolo & Friends!
In English

Gästkonstnärsduon Lisa Marr och Paolo Davanzo bjuder in till ett gäng samskapande aktiviteter och workshops i samband med deras residens på Konstepidemin och deras aktuella utställning A Little Something på galleriet. Varje fredag under perioden kan du se fram emot ett smörgåsbord av snacks och korta Super 8 och 16mm filmer medan vi landar i helgen.

  • 17 mars: The Sound We See: A Göteborg City Symphony
  • 24 mars: Passing Through Sweden: A Selection of Short Films from the NFB
  • 31 mars: Super 8 Is Great! Films from Lisa, Paolo & Friends!

Med stöd från/I samarbete med

Göteborgs Stad
Statens kulturråd

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