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Film & foto

Filmvisning: The island amid the worlds – Konstepidemins dag
Johanna St Michaels

Johanna St Michaels regisserar och fotograferar i huvudsakligen dokumentär, experimentella filmer och konstinstallationer med emfas på nära personliga historier. På Konstepidemins dag visar hos konstfilmen The Island amid the Worlds.

Om filmen

The Island amid the Worlds 

Director: Johanna St Michaels

A deserted military base lies on two small islands outside the metropolis. Its purpose was to defend the city and the base was the most modern of its kind. Nature has now taken over and has wound itself around the human structures and created living sculptures. The ruins whisper of a time not so long ago about superpower battles and the simple soldier’s anxiety. A work about construction verses nature, inside verses outside. A play with stills, video and sound design.

Premiere Gothenburg International Filmfestival.

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