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Film & foto

The Coffee – Flower – Red Wine – Revolution: Screening of super 8 films by experimental artist and filmmaker Dagie Brundert

A bunch of short super 8 films with a lot of summer feelings! – Screening by experimental artist and filmmaker Dagie Brundert.

”In developing mood – share some wine with your film! You open a bottle of well-tempered red wine, pour yourself a glass, pour the rest into a measuring cup, add vitamin c and washing soda, stir, rejoice over the sudden chemical reaction that bubbles slightly, raises the temperature about 2 degrees, pushes the colour from dark red to green-blue. I sniff cautiously at the scent never smelled before and have the feeling that I get very close to (healthy) matter, art and reality!”

Dagie Brundert is currently visiting Sweden, and the first stop is Gothenburg, where she will show and talk about a selection of experimental films at Konstepidemin. She is later on to Brunåkra Artist-in-Residency in Simrishamn.

”I was born in a small town in the middle of West Germany. In my twenties I moved to Berlin and studied visual arts / experimental film. Fell in love with my super 8 camera (Nizo) in 1988. Since then I try to be a particle-finder, a wave-catcher and a good story-teller. I carry my super 8 camera with me travelling, walking around, eyes open and antennas upright. I try to absorb weird beautiful things from this world. Chew them and spit them out again. And meanwhile I have become a specialist in eco-friendly film developing!

My films have a positive, optimistic tone. I’m convinced that I’m in the business of throwing small, short beauty bombs into the world, I cannot help it and I’ll never stop it. The world is complicated, dangerous and beautiful, people are brutal, greedy and stupid, but also confused, loving and incredibly social. My films are not obviously political, they are always personal and play in a small, manageable space, bubble, universe. However, you can extrapolate this space.”

Free entrance, refreshment will be served.

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Goethe Institut Stockholm