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Aoife O’Donovan LIVE

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Americana star Aoife O’Donovan on tour with her latest album ”In The Magic Hour”.
May 18th she’s in Gothenburg for an intimate concert at Konstepidemin.

“Her songs are frequently sun-kissed and feather-like, but sometimes develop a dark beauty…exhilarating and exploratory.”

Aoife O’Donovan’s sophomore album, “In the Magic Hour” — produced by Tucker Martine (The Decemberists, Neko Case) — is a 10-song album full of the singer’s honeyed vocals mixed with gauzy, frictionless sounds: splashing cymbals, airy harmonies, the leisurely baritone musings of an electric guitar. Written in the wake of O’Donovan’s grandfather’s death, “In the Magic Hour” is her most introspective effort yet, an aching exploration of memory and mortality.

For a decade, O’Donovan wielded her instrument with tensile strength as the captivating lead singer of the Boston-based progressive string band Crooked Still. She was a featured vocalist on “The Goat Rodeo Sessions,” the Grammy-winning album by Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer and Chris Thile, has made regular appearances on A Prairie Home Companion and collaborated with some of the most eminent names in music across a wide variety of genres from Alison Krauss to Dave Douglas.

In 2013 O’Donovan released her debut solo album, “Fossils,” a moody collection of original songs with a country lilt. The album garnered praise from The New York Times and Rolling Stone, while The Guardian deemed O’Donovan the “next Americana celebrity.” Most recently O’Donovan has lent her voice to the folk trio I’m With Her with singers Sara Watkins (Nickel Creek) and Sarah Jarosz.

MAY 18TH, 19.00 (ON STAGE 19.30)


Info accessibility  Resturang Blå Huset

In English

Americanastjärnan Aoife O’Donovan är på Europaturné med sitt senaste album ”In The Magic Hour”. Den 18 maj besöker hon Göteborg för en intim spelning på Konstepidemin. 

Aoife O’Donovan är välkänd på americanascenen. Som sångerska i gruppen Crooked Still hade hon rönt stora framgångar med det hyllade albumet ”Some Strange Country” (2010). Som soloartist fick hon möjlighet att visa en helt ny sida och debutalbumet ”Fossils” (2013) hyllades av bland annat The New York Times, Rolling Stone och The Guardian, som utsåg Aoife till ”next Americana celebrity”. Den efterlängtade uppföljaren ”In The Magic Hour” släpptes 2016 och är fylld av hudnära låtar där ”Porch Light” och ”Stanley Park” har blivit stora publikfavoriter.

“Her songs are frequently sun-kissed and feather-like, but sometimes develop a dark beauty…exhilarating and exploratory.”

18 maj kl 19.00 (på scen 19.30)
Restaurang Blå Huset, Konstepidemin


Tillgänglighetsinformation Resturang Blå Huset