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Film & foto


Under Konstepidemins dag kör vi filmfestival i Gröna rummet. Fri entré!

17.00 – 18.30 Kortfilmer

ingen talar om längre

Regi: Bo Sjökvist och Bengt Löfgren, Producent: Fredrik Lange
Filmarna Bo Sjökvist och Bengt Löfgren träffar sångerskan Lena Junoff för att göra ett matlagningsprogram med henne. Trots goda intentioner från alla håll visar det sig vara svårgenomfört.




The Inertia Variations – konstfilm &
The Inertia Variations trailer -work in progress

Regi: Johanna St Michaels, Producent: Johanna St Michaels
Matt Johnson of the British band The The has remained virtually silent as a singer / songwriter for the last 14 years.  Conflicted by his lack of creative inspiration he has watched from the sidelines an increasing deluge of trivial cultural infotainment and corporate-state propaganda. Now, like an aged and eccentric knight staggering into the 21st Century on a futile quest, he will attempt to muster the energy to challenge the mainstream politicians and media on election day. But where does truth start and paranoia end? Inertia Variations is a documentary about wanting to fight the world but at the same time having to deal with the demons of inertia and vanity, and the fear that you already missed the battle.

Våra hem, deras hus

Regi: Malcolm Noble, Producent: Anders Berggren
När Stena Fastigheter vill lyxrenovera lägenheterna på Pennygången och dubbla hyrorna, tar de boende till strid. Här bor personer som vet att beslut kan överklagas och protester löna sig; människor som tidigare aldrig pratat med varandra samlas, de har nu samma mål och de tänker inte ge sig.




Regi: Gunnar Bergdahl och Annika Carlsson Bergdahl, Producent: Fredrik Lange

En film om lokförare och döden.












18.45-20.15 – Penthouse North

Regi: Johanna St Michaels, Producent: Johanna St Michaels
Agneta Eckemyr has one goal in life -not to let go of her home – Penthouse North. As a fashion designer and actress/model she has led a fabulous life in her apartment overlooking Central Park in New York City. Today the former beauty queen lives in the shadow of her glorious past, struggling with the challenges ofaging and surviving in a city with no mercy.





20.30-22.00 Freak Out

Regi: Carl Javér, Producent: Fredrik Lange
If you think the hippies invented free love and headbands, think again. At the beginning of the 20th Century, a group of radical thinkers broke away from mainstream society, purchased a bit of land on top of a Swiss mountain, and set about changing the world. Their first act was to burn the accoutrements of a rigid and class-bound society. Corsets were the first of many things to be torched. But remaking the social order is not as simple as donning a smock and letting your beard grow out. As the new community of Monte Verità (the Mountain of Truth) set about learning how to feed and support themselves, the old world order was not so eager to embrace feminism, veganism, free love, and nudity. Even as the parents of the group members cut off all support, the list of artists and thinkers who frequented the place reads like a laundry list of the great minds of the last century. Freud, Jung, and even Lenin, made regular visitations. One of the most central figures at Monte Verità was Otto Gross, a protégé of Freud and the only child of Hans Gross, who invented the science of criminology. Otto Gross’s later trial and incarceration (at the behest of his father) supposedly inspired Franz Kafka to write The Trial. Hermann Hesse (author of Steppenwolf) was similarly inspired by the commune’s residents, which included Gusto Gräser, whose proto-hippy garb and messianic ways attracted legions of followers. Choreographer and dancer Mary Wigman worked closely with dance pioneer Rudolf Laban at Monte Verità before setting out to reinvent modern dance. A recreation of Ida Hofmann, one of original five founding members, provides a narrative, while archival photos, animation, and reenactments bring to vivid life this long-forgotten site of cultural revolution. Carl Javér’s beautifully animated documentary is a reminder that it is always possible to reinvent the world.


Se hela programmet för Konstepidemins dag 2016