Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
Konstepidemin Konstepidemin Konstepidemin
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— , Patricia Vane

Physical training with guest artist Patricia Vane. Each week a different part of the body is in focus. 

Open for everyone.
It’s for free.
Date: 11 April and 18 April
Time: 19-21
Place: Gröna rummet
In collaboration with Skogen

Welcome to the gym. Weekly training hours where we differentiate parts of the body and work from the comprehension of that part. Physical education. Moving our bodies. Exploring our bodies. Every week we illuminate another thing in the body.

clavicle  klav-i-k’l  L. little key
Furcula  fur-ku-Ia  L. a little fork
humerus hu-mer-us  L. upper arm
interstitial in-ter-stish-al
lymph limf
cisterna chyli sis-turna ki-lee
L. placed between
L. pure spring water
cauda equine
kaw-da eh-kwy-na
L. horse’s tail
fascia fash-ah
L. a band, bandage
Thoracic vertebra —–t-jf-t~+~tJ~~~8 Ribs —t-tfi~~~~;)l~~
Lumbar vertebra Sacrum
Pelvis —-+-ffi’1hf–I~ Coccyx—–’HIftt~
Serratus anterior (with the origin fixed) Pectoralis minor

Being is being comprehended. Comprehending is being been. The active sense of one is the passive sense of the other. Reductionism reduces what things are to what composes these things. Physicalist or materialist reductionism reduces things to the matter that composes them. Evolutionary or naturalist reductionism reduces a living organism to the evolutionary processes of which the living organism is a result.